About Us

The Brain Train Center of Miami is the leading provider and facilitator of research-based, neurocognitive programs and interventions that are customized for your child's specific learning needs. We also offer reading programs and therapies to help children with learning disabilities of all ages and abilities improve their academic potential.

Neurocognitive Programs

The neorocognitive programs provided at the Brain Train Center of Miami are based on neuroscience research and over 20 years of experience demonstrating that it is possible for children to strengthen the weak cognitive skills that cause the learning disabilities, and affect learning.  Students are able to capitalize on their improved learning abilities and after a one or two year program are able to function without special education assistance or academic accommodations. The Brain Train Center of Miami helps children with learning disabilities that slow or otherwise hinder normal educational development.

The Center provides cognitive skills testing and customized, one-on-one cognitive skills training.  Trainings are customized for each student’s specific needs. We design individualized training programs, building upon each child's strengths while conducting therapy in a quiet, personal environment.

Many learning problems affecting a student’s performance in school reflect, to some degree, a lack of cognitive skills; those skills needed to process information. Without these skills, learning success is incredibly difficult.
The training is built from a tested and proven set of cognitive skills training exercises that improve Processing Speed, Visual Processing, Logic and Reasoning, Working Memory, Long-term Memory, Attention, and basic Auditory Processing skills.

Each exercise includes multiple levels of difficulty and intensity. This allows each student to begin at their point of need and progress rapidly—with the help of their personal brain trainer—through multiple stages of improvement.

The center also offers reading improvement programs, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavior therapy.

We serve children with:
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Poor Grades
  • Dyslexia
  • Central Auditory Processing Disorder (C/APD)
  • AD/HD
  • PDD-NOS / Autism / Asperger's
  • Non-Verbal Learning Disability
  • Memory Impairments
  • Brain Injury
  • Sensory Integration Dysfunction
  • Speech and Language Delays
  • Down Syndrome
  • History of Ear Infections
  • Other developmental delays and disorders that slow or otherwise hinder normal educational development